Saturday, September 18, 2010

Group 3: Exercises

Find the Accuracy and Sensitivty of the followeing measuring devices:

 0                  1                 2                  3                4 1. Accuracy:

 0                    10               20                 30               40        2. Accuracy :

.001          .002            .003             .004           .005       3. Accuracy:

.67             .68               .69              .70               .71      4. Accuracy:
 ______________________                                               Sensitivity:
What is the measurment of the thin pink line?

Friday, September 10, 2010

Sub-Atomic Particles

 What are the atoms made of?
 We all know that particles makes up an atom. These particles are called, "Subatomic Particles." Subatomic particles are particles smaller than the atom. There are three subatomic particles that form an atom namely: the protons, neutrons and electrons. The center of the atom is called the nucleus. 

To further learn about subatomic particles, let's discuss each and every particle inside the atom.


All protons are identical to each other. They also have a positive electrical charge, so they're always represented with a plus (+) sign.It is found inside the nucleus of an atom, together with the n. So, therefore, both of them are called nucleons of an atom

Note! The number of protons in the nucleus determines the chemical properties of the atom and thus which chemical element is represented.


 Like protons, neutrons are also identical to each other, but its mass is slightly larger than that of a proton.They have no electrical charge and are said to hold the protons together (protons are positively charged particles and should repel each other.) Neutrons are nucleons, thus found inside the nucleus. 

  • The number of neutrons and protons inside an atom gives the atoms their specific characteristics. One would know that one element is different from the other based on the number of their nucleons.  
  • The number of neutrons is the neutron number and determines the isotope of the element.  


Electrons are the negatively charged particles of atoms. Together, all of the electrons of an atom create a negative charge that balances the positive charge of the protons in the atomic nucleus. Electrons are extremely small compared to all of the other parts of the atom. The mass of an electron is almost 1,000 times smaller than the mass of a proton. 

Electrons are found in the clouds that surround the nucleus of an atom. They are located in what scientists called shells. These shells change depending on the number of electron in an element has. The higher the atomic number, the more shells and atoms the element has. 

  •  Represented by a minus (-) sign, in reference to its negative charge.
  • Plays a major role in many chemical bonds.
  • Electrons are sometimes shared between 2 or more atoms in a cloud.   
 Terms and Methods to Determine an Element

Atomic Number (aka proton number)
The number of protons found in the nucleus of an atom. It uniquely identifies an element. Remember that in a neutral charge, the number of protons is equal to the number of electrons. It is usually represented by the letter, Z. 

Atomic Mass 
Atomic mass is defined as the number of protons, electrons and neutrons in a single atom. Often represented by the letter, A. 

  • A - Atomic Mass
  • Z - Atomic Weight
  • P - Number of protons
  • E - Number of electrons
  • N - Number of neutrons 

Atoms of the same element can have different number of neutrons, the different possible versions of each element is called isotopes. 

If you want to write a certain isotope you write it like this: AXZ with X representing the symbol of the element, A as the number of neutrons and protons combined and Z as the atomic number. 

For example, the element hydrogen is known to have no neutrons, but there is an isotope of hydrogen containing one neutron (deuterium) and with two neutrons (tritium.) 

An ion is an atom or molecule in which the total number of electrons is not equal with the total number of protons, giving it a positive or negative electric charge.

Two Kinds of Ions
  • Anion - an ion with more electrons than protons, giving it a negative charge.
  • Cation - an ion with a less number of electrons than that of protons, giving it a net positive charge. 
Ionic Bonding
- a kind of chemical bonding that arises from the mutual attraction of oppositely charged ions. Since ions of like charge repel each other, they do not usually exist on their own. Instead, many of them may form a crystal lattice, in which ions of opposite charge are bound to each other. The resulting compound is called an ionic compound, and is said to be held together by ionic bonding.

How Ions Gain or Lose Charges
 Ions gain charges through ionization. Ionization is the process by which an electrically neutral atom, molecule, or radical loses or gains one or more electrons and becomes an ion. Ionization can occur in gases, liquids, or solids. Physicists often call a highly ionized gas a plasma.


  1. The meaning of the acronym "AZPEN." 
  2. What do you call the ion with less number of electrons than that of the protons? What is its charge?
  3. What are the three sub-atomic particles? What are their charges?
  4. What sub-atomic particle plays a major role in chemical bonding? 
  5. What do you call atoms or molecules with different numbers of electrons?
  6. What are the two sub-atomic particles located inside the nucleus?
  7. What do you call atoms of the same element, but with different numbers of neutrons?
  8. Other term for atomic number.
  9. What determines the chemical properties of an atom?
  10. Explain ionization.  

Burton, Danielle
Gaite, Aika
Lozada, Marcia
Pentinio, Arra
Santos, Patricia
2 - 10

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Accuracy and Sensitivity of Measuring Devices

Accuracy and Sensitivity

1. Accuracy 

  • refers to the agreement between experimental data and a known value.
  • how close to the actual or true accepted value are the measurement
    • you can think of it in terms of a bulls-eye in which the target is hit close to the center, yet the marks in the target aren't necessarily close to each other.

2. Precision
  • refers to how well experimental values agree with each other
  • how close are the individual measurements to one another
    • if you hit a bulls-eye precisely, then you are able to hit the same spot on the target each time, even though that spot may be distant from the center

    3. True Value
    • a given measurement that is set by the experts (i.e. scientists, professors, etc.)
    4. Experimental Value
    • the value gathered by the performer
    How to Compute For The Percent Error

    % Error=(True Value-Experimental Value)
                                     TV                       X100

    1. While doing an experiment, you were asked to measure a square block that was given to you. Each side was 15.72 cm. In your 3 trials you got: 15.23 cm , 14.92 cm  & 15.57 cm, an average of 15.24 cm. Find the percent error.

    =(15.72-15.24)/15.72 X 100

    % error=3.05%

    2. In an experiment, you were asked to find out the measurement of a liquid inside the glass beaker. You had 3 trials in which you got: 25.32 ml, 27.45 ml & 26.24, having an average of 26.34 ml. The true value was 27.50 ml. Find the percent error.

    =(27.50-26.34)/27.50 X 100
    =1.16/27.50 X 100

    % error= 4. 22%

    3.  You were inside a pet store when you saw puppies. You had estimated that there were 14 of them, though they were 15. Find the percent error.

    =(15-14)/15 X 100
    =1/15 X 100
    = o. 0667X 100

    % error= 6.67%

    4. While walking outside your house, you saw pink petals scattered everywhere. You estimated that there were 50 of them, when there was 52 petals. Find the percent error.

    =(52-50)/52 X 100
    =2/52 X 100
    =0.0385 X 100

    % error= 3.85 %

    5. While conducting an experiment, you were to measure a piece of block given to you. You had 4 trials to measure the block. You had arrived with these results: 14.25 cm, 14.26 cm, 14. 22 cm & 14. 23 cm. The true value was 14. 26 cm. What is your percent error?

    =(14.26-14.24)/14.26 X 100
    =o.o2/14.26 X 100
    =0.0014 X 100

    % error= 0.14 %

    Gonzales, I.

    Electron Distribution Mnemonics

     Electrons tend to arrange themselves around nuclei  so that they have the lowest possible energy. They would all like to get into the lowest energy level, sometimes called the K-shell, but are prevented from doing so by some rules that pop up in quantum mechanics. 

    A mnemonic for the entire periodic table of the elements recalls the names and abbreviations of all the elements, their basic electron structures, and some properties. Elements are presented in chemically useful groupings with a method that allows one to position an element without recreating the entire table. With two additional lines one can derive all the major elements and the trace elements required by humans. Another verse identifies anomalies in orbital filling. 

    An energy level  is a quantum mechanical system or particle that is bound, confined spatially, can only take on certain discrete values of energy, as opposed toclassical particles, which can have any energy. These values are called energy levels. The term is most commonly used for the energy levels of electrons in atoms or molecules, which are bound by the electric field of the nucleus. The energy spectrum of a system with energy levels is said to be quantized.
    If the potential energy is set to zero at infinity, the usual convention, then bound electron states have negative potential energy.
    Energy levels are said to be degenerate, if the same energy level is shared by more than one quantum mechanical state. They are then called degenerate energy levels.

    An atomic orbital is a mathematical function that describes the wave-like behavior of either one electron or a pair of electrons in an atom. Atomic orbitals are the possible quantum states of an individual electron in the collection of electrons around a single atom, as described by the orbital function. Atomic orbitals exactly describe the shape of this atmosphere only when a single electron is present in an atom. When more electrons are added to a single atom, the additional electrons tend to more evenly fill in a volume of space around the nucleus so that the resulting collection (sometimes termed the atom’s “electron cloud”) tends toward a generally spherical zone of probability describing where the atom’s electrons will be found.
    Each orbital is defined by a different set of quantum numbers and contains a maximum of two electrons. The simple names s orbital, p orbital, d orbital and f orbital refer to orbitals with angular momentum quantum number l = 0, 1, 2 and 3 

    Each shell is composed of one or more subshells, which are themselves composed of atomic orbitals. For example, the first (K) shell has one subshell, called "1s"; the second (L) shell has two subshells, called "2s" and "2p"; the third shell has "3s", "3p", and "3d"; and so on.[1]The various possible subshells are shown in the following table:
    Subshell labelMax electronsShells containing itHistorical name
    s02Every shell sharp
    p162nd shell and higher principal
    d2103rd shell and higher diffuse
    f3144th shell and higher fundamental
    g4185th shell and higher

    • The first column is the "subshell label", a lowercase-letter label for the type of subshell. For example, the "4s subshell" is a subshell of the fourth (N) shell, with the type ("s") described in the first row.
    • The second column is the azimuthal quantum number of the subshell. The precise definition involves quantum mechanics, but it is a number that characterizes the subshell.
    • The third column is the maximum number of electrons that can be put into a subshell of that type. For example, the top row says that each s-type subshell ("1s", "2s", etc.) can have at most two electrons in it. In each case the figure is 4 greater than the one above it.
    • The fourth column says which shells have a subshell of that type. For example, looking at the top two rows, every shell has an s subshell, while only the second shell and higher have a p subshell (i.e., there is no "1p" subshell).
    • The final column gives the historical origin of the labels s, p, d, and f. They come from early studies of atomic spectral lines. The other labels, namely g, h and i, are an alphabetic continuation following the last historically originated label of f.

    Electron Configuration Practice Worksheet

    In the space below, write the unabbreviated electron configurations of the following elements:

    1)  sodium  ____________________________________

    2) iron  ___________________________________

    3) bromine  ___________________________________

    4) barium  _____________________________________

    5) neptunium   _____________________________________

    Determine what elements are denoted by the following electron configurations:

    6)        1s22s22p63s23p4  ____________________

    7)        1s22s22p63s23p64s23d104p65s1  ____________________

     8)      [Kr] 5s24d105p3  ____________________

     9)      [Xe] 6s24f145d6  ____________________

     10)     [Rn]  7s25f11  ____________________

    Determine which of the following electron configurations are not valid:

    11)         1s22s22p63s23p64s24d104p5 ____________________

    12)         1s22s22p63s33d5  ____________________

    13)         [Ra] 7s25f8  ____________________

    14)         [Kr]  5s24d105p5 ____________________

    15)         [Xe]  ____________________

    Electron Configurations - Solutions

    Note:  The electron configurations in this worksheet assume that lanthanum (La) is the first element in the 4f block and that actinium (Ac) is the first element in the 5f block.  If your periodic table doesn’t agree with this, your answers for elements near the f-orbitals may be slightly different.

    1.    sodium            1s22s22p63s1

    2.    iron                   1s22s22p63s23p64s23d6

    3.    bromine           1s22s22p63s23p64s23d104p5

    4.    barium             1s22s22p63s23p64s23d104p65s24d105p66s2

    5.        neptunium      1s22s22p63s23p64s23d104p65s24d105p66s24f145d106p67s25f5

    6.    1s22s22p63s23p4  sulfur

    7.    1s22s22p63s23p64s23d104p65s1  rubidium

    8.    [Kr] 5s24d105p3  antimony

    9.    [Xe] 6s24f145d6  osmium

    10. [Rn]  7s25f11  einsteinium

    11. 1s22s22p63s23p64s24d104p5 not valid (take a look at “4d”)

    12. 1s22s22p63s33d5  not valid (3p comes after 3s)

    13. [Ra] 7s25f8  not valid (radium isn’t a noble gas)

    14. [Kr]  5s24d105p5 valid

    15. [Xe]  not valid (an element can’t be its own electron configuration)

    Myka Bautista-Exercises
    Nikki Ferrarez(Squid)-Research
    Camille Lam
    Joy Palag-Web Page Designer
    Sandra Santos


    Special Thanks To:
    God for giving me hope and patience.